

Alanna Bent - Ooude van GV

Alanna Bent - Ooude van GV

Ashley Perkins - DF Carusela Blue

Ashley Perkins - DF Carusela Blue

Carolyn Cadier - Clapton

Carolyn Cadier - Clapton

Christopher Hickey - Saskatoon OMF

Dana Moore - Miss Oula

Dana Moore - Miss Oula

Jessica Davis - Duke of Tryon

Jessica Davis - Duke of Tryon

Kathryn Williams - Knynmont Gunsmoke Gideon

Kathryn Williams - Knynmont Gunsmoke Gideon

Katie Poag - Hambo Dea

Katie Poag - Hambo Dea

Lindsey Brownlee - Oolala

Lindsey Brownlee - Oolala

Louise Smith - Danseur

Louise Smith - Danseur

Marianne Stankiewicz - Wundershon

Marianne Stankiewicz - Wundershon

Noel Vineyard - Harper Elise TBF

Noel Vineyard - Harper Elise TBF

Pam Stone - Ilanka

Pam Stone - Ilanka

Shannon Hines - Ramos

Shannon Hines - Ramos

Susan Shelton - Sengal ARB

Susan Shelton - Sengal ARB

Tami Crawford - Lord Forty

Tami Crawford - Lord Forty

Tami Crawford - Quentin

Tami Crawford - Quentin

Tecia Buttons - Jericho HP

Tecia Buttons - Jericho HP

Trayce Doubek - Lisandro

Trayce Doubek - Lisandro

Virginia King - Fiesto Beat

Virginia King - Fiesto Beat