*CPEDI Awards

*CPEDI Awards

*Highlights of the National

*Highlights of the National

Allison Spivey - Windhorse Ysis

Allison Spivey - Windhorse Ysis

Ashley Haffey – Justina

Ashley Haffey – Justina

Beatrice de Lavalette - Sixth Sense

Beatrice de Lavalette  - Sixth Sense

David Ziegler - Saladine

David Ziegler - Saladine

Ellen Ziemer – Elmholt’s Galant

Ellen Ziemer – Elmholt’s Galant

Emily Miles - Java Dulce

Emily Miles - Java Dulce

Fiona Howard – Fleuresse

Fiona Howard – Fleuresse

Fiona Howard – Gambler

Fiona Howard – Gambler

Hailey Guard - Dalwhinney

Hailey Guard - Dalwhinney

Iselle Longman - Dinner for Two

Iselle Longman - Dinner for Two

James Koford - Kiss ACB

James Koford - Kiss ACB

Jody Schloss - El Colorado

Jody Schloss - El Colorado

Jody Schloss - Lieutenant Lob

Jody Schloss - Lieutenant Lob

Kaitlin Blythe – Sirvente

Kaitlin Blythe – Sirvente

Kate Shoemaker – Colijn

Kate Shoemaker – Colijn

Kyla Sorensen - Gandalf

Kyla Sorensen - Gandalf

Lauren Barwick - Sandrino

Lauren Barwick - Sandrino

Megan Rozantes – Burbon

Megan Rozantes – Burbon

Rachael Cervone - Adeline

Rachael Cervone -  Adeline

Rachel Kepes Ferriter - Luna Lovegood

Rachel Kepes Ferriter - Luna Lovegood

Rebecca Hart - Floratina

Rebecca Hart - Floratina

Roxanne Trunnell - Fortunato H2O

Roxanne Trunnell - Fortunato H2O

Sarah Cummings - Beaujolais

Sarah Cummings - Beaujolais

Silvia Do Valle – Gauguin Interagro

Silvia Do Valle – Gauguin Interagro

Sydney Collier – Bell Bottoms

Sydney Collier – Bell Bottoms

Teri Patton-Rich – Bellissa

Teri Patton-Rich – Bellissa